jueves, 4 de junio de 2020

Recopilación correos electrónicos para la entrega de boletines de notas

Por favor, rellene este cuestionario:

martes, 2 de junio de 2020

1º ESO A

Mi querido alumnado,
como ya saben esta semana tienen lugar las reuniones de evaluación de la convocatoria ordinaria. Siempre me gusta comentar la nota con ustedes en clase pero este trimestre ha sido imposible debido a las circunstancias. Aun así, me gustaría proponerles una cita por videoconferencia para tratar ese tema y otros de tutoría acerca de la entrega de notas y los planes de recuperación de aquellos que les quede alguna asignatura pendiente para la extraordinaria. Seguramente será este jueves a las 11 horas. Les enviaré un e-mail con la confirmación y el enlace. 

Hasta entonces no se olviden que nuestros polluelos tienen previsto nacer en la primera o segunda semana de junio. Les dejo la ventanica a su nido por si se animan a echarles un vistacillo.

¡Les veo el jueves!

3º ESO D 

My dear students,
as you may already know the evaluations take place this week. I would have liked to comment your final mark with you as I did the former terms before the meetings and arrange something nice at the school as a farewell. Given the current situation this is not possible.

However, if you want to know your mark beforehand or need any explanation send me an e-mail (nerea.distancia@gmail.com). Those that fail will have a new opportunity during the extraordinary period that starts the 8th of June.

It´s been a great pleasure to be with you this year. Unfortunately, we couldn´t perform all the dissections programmed 😔.

Take care and hope to see you very soon again (in Biology/Geology of 4º of ESO? 😉)
May the force be with you!

lunes, 1 de junio de 2020

3º ESO C 

My dear students,
as you may already know the evaluations take place this week. I would have liked to comment your final mark with you as I did the former terms before the meetings and arrange something nice at the school as a farewell. Given the current situation this is not possible.

However, if you want to know your mark beforehand or need any explanation send me an e-mail (nerea.distancia@gmail.com).

It´s been a great pleasure to be with you this year. Unfortunately, we couldn´t perform all the dissections programmed 😔.

Take care and hope to see you very soon again (in Biology/Geology of 4º of ESO? 😉)
May the force be with you!

1º ESO B/C 

My dear students,
as you may already know the evaluations take place this week. I would have liked to comment your final mark with you as I did the former terms before the meetings and arrange something nice at the school as a farewell. Given the current situation this is not possible.

However, if you want to know your mark beforehand or need any explanation send me an e-mail (nerea.distancia@gmail.com).

It has been a weird term, but I have to tell you that I am really proud of all of you. You worked in a quite organised way and you did a great job during this time. We could not perform the dissections and we didn´t have the opportunity to use the microscope (this term was going to be so cool...😢).
Hope we can catch up and show you amazing things in Biology and Geology of 3º of ESO.

And don´t forget our couple of Booted Eagles! The chicks are expected to be born the first or second week of June!

Take care! Y espero verles muy pronto! 💛💚💛