martes, 14 de abril de 2020

1ºESO B/C - Tarea para el martes 14 de abril

Welcome back!! I know...holydays are always too too too short 😭
But if you think it over, being back at school again will make the time run faster (¡un día menos, recuerden!)
Now, today´s activity has some steps:
1st) Click on the image. You will find a diagram about the three types of cells.
2nd) Write on your notebook a diagram similar to this. The diagram must be simple but show the main differences between the three types of cells. Drawings must not be reproduced with great detail, they have to be simple. Pay attention to the SPELLING. Think first the space you will require in your notebook for this.

3rd) DO NOT SEND ME the diagram today. That will be your activity for this Friday.

Have a nice day! Hope you all and your families are ok.

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