lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

1ºESO B/C - Tarea para la semana del 11 al 15 de mayo

Hello everyone! How are you doing? Good I hope!

I asked LeChae (our assistant of English) to prepare you a session about the photosynthesis. You already master the heterotrophic nutrition. After this activity, you will also be an expert in the autotrophic one! 💪😄
Click on the following link:

Have a nice week and if you get hungry of more Biology, I leave you here the link of one of the cameras of the SeoBirdLife association that broadcasts the nest of an eagle located in Sierra de Guadarrama (next to you!). You have to be patient to observe them.
Aves en directo. Selección de webcams - SEO Birdlife

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