martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

3º ESO D - Tarea para la semana del 5 al 8 de mayo

Mi querida clase, 

siguiendo instrucciones enviadas por dirección el 28 de abril, las actividades se actualizarán cada semana. En mi caso, sus actividades de 3º ESO-D se actualizarán todos los martes. Así que cada martes, miren el blog para saber lo que nos toca, ok? Thanks!

This week:

1st) Watch this video about the transmission of illnesses:

2nd) With the information that you get from the video and the one you can obtain reading your textbook on page 72 (point 7.2.- How infectious diseases are transmittedwrite a report on your notebook with the answer to the following questions: (copy the questions in your notebook)
You can also use the Internet

1. The flu pandemic of 1918 is also known as...
2. Concerning this flu pandemic, why does it receive that name?
3. What country was the origin of this pandemic?
4. What pathogen causes the flu (in general)?
5. What is the way of transmission of the flu? (you will find the answer in your book)
6. What pathogens cause the ebola, the MERS-CoV and the COVID-19?
7. Do some research about the pandemic of the COVID-19 we are suffering and answer:
    7.1. Give another name for the pathogen that causes the COVID-19
    7.2. Would you consider it an emerging disease? why?
    7.3. Try to find the Basic Reproductive Rate (R) of this pathogen at the beginning of the epidemy in Spain. What do you conclude?
8. What is the way of transmission of COVID-19?

Deadline: 11th of MaySend me a photo of your notebook or a file (word, pdf...) with the questions and answers to my e-mail, please (

If you have any question, mail me! Have a nice week!

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