martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

1º ESO B/C - Tarea para el martes 31 de marzo

Helloooooo!! This is your last day of Biology before the Easter Week! Are you going to miss it? I know, I know, don´t answer me...😁 but you must know that I will miss this time with all of you.

Today is a "revision day":

1st) We are going to work on the pronunciation of some cell organelles, such as mitochondrion (singular; mitochondria is for the plural), chloroplast, cytoplasm...I found this activity. Although it has more organelles that we have seen, it can be quite useful for our purpose. Click on the link, please, and speak up!

2nd) LeChae prepared this Kahoot for you! Enjoy it!

Y como ya no nos volvemos a ver en unos días, solo desearles que descansen, que aprovechen para leer lo que les apetezca, que si se aburren pueden coger una patata pequeña y reservarla y a ver si le salen unos "tallitos", a lo mejor a la vuelta podemos hacer algo con ella...o si tienen alguna planta (con el "potos" sale muy bien) y pueden poner unas ramitas en agua...a ver qué pasa y qué podemos hacer con ellas después, ¿ok?
Take care all of you!!! 💪🙋

3 comentarios:

  1. just yesterday, we made roast potatoes and took them away from all the roots that had come out and we ate them so I don't have any potatoes left, but when my mother has to go buy it, I'll tell her. :)


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