martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

3º ESO D - Tarea para el martes 24 y viernes 27 de marzo

This activity will take two sessions. You are going to build up a brain hat!
For this purpose I uploaded a file where you can find the patterns (click on the brain image). The templates (patterns) appear on pages 3 and 3. The pages that you have to complete are 6 and 7. Don´t worry if you don´t have a printer. You can just draw it, no problem. The important thing of this task is that you complete each name of the lobes of the cerebrum and the function of each part with symbols (as they appear on the templates) and colour each lobe.
Send me a photo with the result to my email (
Deadline: Sunday the 29th.
Optional: to fold it and make the hat...but I have to tell you that´s is really nice 😉

Resultado de imagen de imagen brain hat

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