martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

1º ESO B/C - Tarea para los días martes 24 y viernes 27 de marzo

This activity will take you two sessions. You are going to make your own cells with the material you find at home. I leave you a video I did with one group as a guide. It´s in Spanish, but remember that you have to do this in English, which is funnier ;)

- You have to build up the THREE TYPES OF CELLS (prokaryotic, animal eukaryotic and plant eukaryotic). For this purpose you can use sweets, paper, wool, food, rubber, etc. Everything is valid!

- You have to show the characteristics of each (the common ones but also the differences): DNA, cytoplasm, plasma membrane, chloroplasts, mithocondria, nucleus, cell wall and ribosomes. (Ribosomes are small, kind of spherical and appear in all cells)

- You can choose between these two options to send me to my email (
 a) Send me a video explaining your three cells. Videos cannot be longer than two minutes and do       not show your face, please. Videos will not be published in any social network.
          or you can
 b) Sen me a photo of your three cells with the labels of each structure.

Don´t send me the two things. Choose one. You´ve got the whole week to do this. Deadline: Sunday.
On Friday you will vote your reward 😎


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