viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

1º ESO B/C - Tarea para el viernes 13 de marzo

Hello everybody!! Today is Friday and you have to do some homework. Ready?

1st) Take your textbook and read pages 6 and 7.
2nd) Using as a guide the picture on page 7 about the levels of organisation found in matter, put in order from the smallest to the greatest one the following terms (yes, only these eight terms). Use your notebook for this task; don´t forget to put the date and the title "Levels of organisation of matter":
              Species, molecule, tissue, atom, organ, cell, organism, system

3rd) Read again pages 8 and 9 and answer the questionnaire below (it will count for the mark of "homework"-deadline: Until Monday the 16th of March:


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